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Hungarian Borderlands: from the Habsburg Empire to the Axis Alliance, the Warsaw Pact, and the European Union


Available for purchase: Fall 2011.

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These short papers show the evolution of some of my ideas about black soldiers, their role in American history, and their current place in American culture. There is some overlap from one paper to another, but there is also new material in each one.

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"On African American History Month," February 1998.

This commentary was prepared for publication during African-American History Month of 1998. It appeared in J-Scope, the electronic newsletter of the Joint Staff and was reproduced in some Department of Defense newspapers.

"Buffalo Soldiers at San Juan Hill," June 1998.

This paper was read at the conference of Army Historians in Bethesda, Maryland.

"Buffalo Soldiers: Myths and Realities," February 2001.

I read this paper at the African-American History month celebration of the Smithsonian's Museum of American History.

"Remembering the Buffalo Soldier: Memorials to Black Soldiers of the Indian-War Era," October 2001.

I presented this paper to students in the North American Studies Department, at the University of Debrecen, in Hungary.

"Buffalo Soldiers, A Little History, and a Little Mythology,"

I used this text as the basis for presentations at universities in Romania, Hungary, and Germany, while I was a Fulbright lecturer at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, during 2003-2004.



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